Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Publishing Management

Amid the splendor of multimedia development, the role of print media still can not be replaced by other media, especially da developing countries like Indonesia. The development of electronic media, especially the Internet, requires hardware facilities and software availability is still costly for most people to access them. Even the development of information carried through the electronic media to spur the development of print media, because for some people who have no chance to take advantage of electronic media using print media as an alternative successor. 

The print media are widely used to obtain the information society, knowledge, and entertainment among other things: books, magazines, and newspapers or tabloids. Community needs will the print media is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to open or develop business publication. 

Publishing business is a complex endeavor, both in terms of variation in terms of activities or institutions or stakeholders involved. Not to mention in terms of functions that are dichotomous, namely on the one hand, assumed the ideal function to advance the knowledge and insight readers, whereas on the other hand is required to function as a profit-oriented business enterprise as to support its survival. In addition, the company issuing the substance of the material presented so that a truly neutral and impartial it must be independent, so that as a consequence should be ready to become independent. Therefore, the publishing business requires good management to be able to run and develop their business effectively and efficiently to meet the dynamic needs of its readers information in accordance with the development of the era. 

Management will handle the issuance of a series of activities that are repeated periodically, starting from raw material to find information, then process them, reproduce / produce, and then distribute / market it. In terms of its object, the management will manage the issue: aspects of editorship, aspects of production and circulation, the aspects of cost, and personal aspects.

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