Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Development of analytical paragraphs

Paragraphs in the analytical development is described a method to describe the nature or circumstances of its parts, then the parts are sought relation to one another logically. Development of analytical paragraphs are widely used in:a. Writing arguments: to prove a theses or propositionsb. Writing exposition: to present facts or ideas.
Development of analytical paragaraf divided into four forms, namely:1. Development of analytical paragraphs by example2. Development of analytical paragraphs by giving a definition3. Development of analytical paragraphs with cause-effect (causality)4. Development of analytical paragraphs with comparison

Development of a chronological narrative paragraphs

This paragraph is told of an event or events experienced by a person or group of people, for example: the experience of people struggling to preserve the environment, flood events that destroy crops, and drought events that befall farmers.

This paragraph is useful to increase knowledge of the reader and provide suggestions to him by providing clear and able to evoke emotion. Therefore, it is hoped the reader will feel attracted to follow the story as a whole.
Authors can start from the middle or end of an event, then followed by a section in front of him, but this paragraph will be more effective if developed in chronological order from the beginning, because it can help generate interest the reader to follow the events from beginning to end. Placed the topic sentence at the end of the paragraph so as to maintain reader's interest in following the series of events to a climax at the end of the paragraph.
To further explain the information and evoke emotion reader, this paragraph will need to use varied sentence forms, both on long and short of its structure. In this case you can use sentence fragments, single sentences, compound sentences, and combinations of them.Factors that could support the sentence to make it more meaningful and expressive nature, especially in sentences that describe situations in the climax, among others:a. Use active verbs that strong pressureb. Use of time information that can describe the time sequencec. Use the same verb for some time.

Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Chronological paragraph development process

Development of this paragraph describes a process activity, such as how to make out, how participatory extension, and how to mobilize farmer groups. Placement of topic sentences at the beginning of a paragraph in order to assist authors in controlling the basic idea, so that development leads to the achievement of the paragraph remains a unity of purpose (unity). Paragraph consists of sentences that are arranged in a logical sequence, and the sentence one must relate to the next sentence, which retains the properties of coherent paragraphs.

To avoid that movement from one sentence to another sentence does not feel stiff / awkward, it would require a transition word or phrase liaison, tetapiu its use should not be excessive.

Development Chronology paragraph

Development of a paragraph in chronological order is a paragraph that describes a sequence of events according to the stage of time, ranging from the earliest times until the very last time. Stage by stage of an event are clearly described so easily captured by the reader.

Development of this paragraph is used for description and narrative writing. Chronological paragraph development can be divided into: (1) paragraph chronological development process and (2) development of a chronological narrative paragraphs.

User Information

Information is a very important human need, because it can increase knowledge, increase confidence, decision making, and so forth. Broadly speaking, user information may be classified as follows:
  1. Policy makers (executive, legislative): information needed for policy decisions.
  2.  Researcher: information for research and development activities.
  3. Consultant: information as a capital to provide advice to clients.
  4. Teachers: information as a learning material.
  5. Extension: Information as raw material extension.
  6. Student / student: information to increase knowledge and skills.
  7. General: information to add insight in solving problems.

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Information Sources Publishing Management

Information can be obtained from various sources, among other things:
  1. Individual, malalui experience, the results of activities, and opinions.
  2.  Institutions, through various research activities or other activities that generate information
  3. Group to exchange information (invisible college)
  4. The experts, through the thoughts
  5. Information Center
  6. Library

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010


A publishing is basically a load of information will be conveyed to the reader, so that the continuity of the company's publisher to require information as raw material to be processed into a product issuer. Information is the choice of a set of existing messages, or options that could reduce doubts.

The concept is simple information can be known through three types:
  1. Information that can be interpreted as "news" or a statement delivered to the public or the public. In this case the information is generally associated with information activities, counseling, or public relations (public relations). The use of the word information here stems from the English word to inform the meaning "tell".
  2.  The information in the sense associated with "statistics" or processing data. In this case the information can be interpreted as data or facts that have been processed or formulated so meaningful for the purposes of an activity, such as for decision making.
  3. Information relating to science or "scientific activities". In this sense a lot of information associated with literature, science, and technology, or scientific work packages. Information is usually assumed as books, scientific magazines, research reports, and so forth.

Components Involved in Publishing Management

Publishing a manuscript into a book or other publishing products are not only done by the issuer or the manager, but also involves other components. An important component involved in the publication is: author / writer, the board of editors, editors, printing, and wholesalers and bookstores.
1. Author / writerContinuity of publication depends on the role of author / writer, because the author / writer is the source of the flow of the script. Authors / writers who are professional and marketable results of his work (sold in the market) will be contested by the publisher. Publisher will attempt to establish good relations with the author / writer of potential in a sustainable manner, ie by giving high fees in accordance with the selling value of his writings through royalties or bonuses. Sometimes publishers are also finding resource persons who own or control the substance of the material that deserve to be published but is not competent to write it myself. This can be overcome by the publisher sends editorial team (writer) visited the resource owner of the material substance which in turn helps to express it in writing.
2. Board of EditorsSmall publishers usually to determine a proper script issued by the leaders of the publisher. In the big publishers usually have a Board of Editors who contribute decide whether a manuscript worthy of publication. Board of editors consisting of several editors who often chaired by the chief editor. The basic consideration is the assessment of the Board of Editors market prospects and suitability of the content of the manuscript with publisher policy. Where appropriate, the Board of Editors may use the services of expert reviewers from outside publishers to consider the contents of the manuscript beyond the ability of the issuer, such as statistical manuscript, the Publisher may ask for expert statistical assistance,
3. EditorThe editor is a person or group of persons in charge of editing (edited) manuscript received by the publisher before printing. This activity is also processing the script so the script that prints the contents substantially in accordance with publisher policies (vision and mission of the publisher) and language presentation and tatatulisnya correct and interesting to fit the tastes and interests of readers.
4. PrintingPrinting serves to reproduce or multiply manuscript that has been processed / edited. Products are printed manuscript must follow the orders of the issuer, either in quality or amount of product produced. In the printing activities usually include bindery and packaging activities. Printing is often referred to as part of production. In the major publishers in most cases have their own printing, whereas the small-scale publishers typically use outside printing services issuing company.
5. Distributor / bookstorePublishing company is spearheading the distribution or sales activities. Reach publishing circulation or distribution of products that will facilitate rapid and widespread use of the product publishing readers. In this case the role of distributors and bookstores is vital, so the publisher must be able to open and expand the network of cooperation with distributors and bookstores. The activities undertaken by distributors (agents and deliveryman) and bookstores to note is that the integrity of publishing products (good condition) and punctuality reached the hands of readers.

Publisher Tasks on Publishing Management

Managing a business requires the issuance of a separate and more art than a science. Publishing is an art More Than sciences. Therefore, leaders should have a publishing company as a manager of quality long-term vision, and a minimum mempunysi following requirements:
  1. Have enough knowledge about things related to business fields,
  2. Having the knowledge and skills of administration and management,
  3. Having knowledge and understanding of the intricacies manuscript, production, and marketing,
  4. Having an adequate supply of capital.
The main task of the publisher is as coordinator of all organs involved in publishing, including: author, printer, editor, and so forth. Details of the publisher duties are:
  1. Coordinate all employees to perform the duties of each according to a predetermined plan.
  2. Determining the proper manuscript for publication, both in terms of material substance as well as in economic terms, using the assessment team of experts as a manuscript. (Sembiring, 1987)
According to Mansoor (1999) publisher in charge of receiving the script, process it (including editing), asking for help printing to print a book in a certain amount, then distribute the book through the bookstore.The detailed activities of publishers include: 
1. Researching the market as the basis for the search script. Publishers conduct market research to estimate 
    what the proper product release issued to fill the needs of the market. 
2. Looking author / writer and makes itself available to be contacted / visited by the author / writer.  
    Sustainability publishing business is very dependent on the availability of the manuscript; without obtaining 
    the script will stop publishing business. Manuscript obtained from the author or authors publishing in two 
    ways, namely: 
  • Active mode, meaning that the publisher tried to contact the author to write a script that it needs. Manuscript actively sought by publishers usually script based on the results of market research is needed by consumers, so that prospective for publication. How active is done to compete with other publishers in order to get the author / writer whose work sells productive in the market.
  • Passive mode, meaning that the author / writer who might send the manuscript of her work to publishers. Furthermore, publishers do the selection of manuscripts received are eligible for publication. In this case the results of market research used as a reference for publishers to determine the feasibility of a manuscript for publication.
3. Assessing the incoming text in the publishers table in order to estimate the cost of publishing and predicted absorption by its market share.
4. Process the script so that it can meet the interests and tastes of readers and also in accordance with will of the author / writer. 
5. Associated with the printing press to reproduce texts that have been processed. 
6. Promoting product publications to the reader through the mass media, dealers, bookstores, exhibits, and so forth. 
7. Manage the procurement and storage of products published in the warehouse, so it is easy melyani orders. 
8. Establish good relationships with the network product sales publications (books, magazines, newspapers, 
9. Manage contracts with writer / author and pay a service fee to them.

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010


The publisher is often equated with a smooth printing even though technically each have different activities. Here are some understanding of the issuer by some experts.
  1. Hassan Pambudi: Issuing means publish to the public, explores the general public, words and images that  have been created by creative souls, then edited by the editors for the next duplicated by the printing press.
  2. Datus C. Smith Jr. cit. Sembiring: Issuer is a center of all activities that have a relationship with other elements in the book industry.
  3. Graphic Dictionary Lexicon: the publisher is the person who tried to remove the manuscript as printed matter so to publish.
  4. Sembiring (1987): the publisher is the person who coordinates the dissemination of the work of someone in the field of literature and science.
  5. Mansoor (1999) the publisher is the author and editors who prepared the manuscript, while the printing is the party who prepared the publisher to reproduce the manuscript.
Based on the understanding it can be concluded that the original publisher there who interpret it as an individual, but in its development, the issuer is a neatly organized institution, which handles activities since getting the script, script processing (editing), doubling the script that has been processed, and disseminate products publishing in printed form so. 
Publishing and printing activities each having different duties and functions, but both are interdependent. Publishers work preparing the manuscript, processed the manuscript, submit manuscripts to the printing and disseminating the results of mold, while printing only serves to reproduce the manuscript in the form of printouts. Viewed from the responsibility of its activities, penerbitlah responsible for all activities, since the preparation of the manuscript to publishing products are distributed. Although the printing function to reproduce the text, but the quality and number of printouts remain in control of the issuer, meaning that printing should be able to fulfill the orders of the issuer, and is responsible for the quality and quantity of products to meet market demand is the publisher. Therefore, it can be said that the publishing activities broader than the activities of printing, and can even be said that the activities of printing is one part of the publishing activities. 
In its development activities not only serve the printing orders from publishers, but to serve the printing activities outside of publishing products, such as print: invitations, business cards, calendars, screen printing, and so forth. Several major publishers usually have their own printing, whereas small-scale publishers typically use printing services outside of publishing. This means that despite the publisher is responsible for the reproduce script, the publisher should not have their own printing. The term "Publisher" and "Printing" is often used simultaneously so that is sometimes difficult to distinguish, although both have functions and responsibilities are different.

Publishing Management

Amid the splendor of multimedia development, the role of print media still can not be replaced by other media, especially da developing countries like Indonesia. The development of electronic media, especially the Internet, requires hardware facilities and software availability is still costly for most people to access them. Even the development of information carried through the electronic media to spur the development of print media, because for some people who have no chance to take advantage of electronic media using print media as an alternative successor. 

The print media are widely used to obtain the information society, knowledge, and entertainment among other things: books, magazines, and newspapers or tabloids. Community needs will the print media is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to open or develop business publication. 

Publishing business is a complex endeavor, both in terms of variation in terms of activities or institutions or stakeholders involved. Not to mention in terms of functions that are dichotomous, namely on the one hand, assumed the ideal function to advance the knowledge and insight readers, whereas on the other hand is required to function as a profit-oriented business enterprise as to support its survival. In addition, the company issuing the substance of the material presented so that a truly neutral and impartial it must be independent, so that as a consequence should be ready to become independent. Therefore, the publishing business requires good management to be able to run and develop their business effectively and efficiently to meet the dynamic needs of its readers information in accordance with the development of the era. 

Management will handle the issuance of a series of activities that are repeated periodically, starting from raw material to find information, then process them, reproduce / produce, and then distribute / market it. In terms of its object, the management will manage the issue: aspects of editorship, aspects of production and circulation, the aspects of cost, and personal aspects.