Managing a business requires the issuance of a separate and more art than a science. Publishing is an art More Than sciences. Therefore, leaders should have a publishing company as a manager of quality long-term vision, and a minimum mempunysi following requirements:
- Have enough knowledge about things related to business fields,
- Having the knowledge and skills of administration and management,
- Having knowledge and understanding of the intricacies manuscript, production, and marketing,
- Having an adequate supply of capital.
The main task of the publisher is as coordinator of all organs involved in publishing, including: author, printer, editor, and so forth. Details of the publisher duties are:
- Coordinate all employees to perform the duties of each according to a predetermined plan.
- Determining the proper manuscript for publication, both in terms of material substance as well as in economic terms, using the assessment team of experts as a manuscript. (Sembiring, 1987)
According to Mansoor (1999) publisher in charge of receiving the script, process it (including editing), asking for help printing to print a book in a certain amount, then distribute the book through the bookstore.The detailed activities of publishers include:
1. Researching the market as the basis for the search script. Publishers conduct market research to estimate
what the proper product release issued to fill the needs of the market.
2. Looking author / writer and makes itself available to be contacted / visited by the author / writer.
Sustainability publishing business is very dependent on the availability of the manuscript; without obtaining
the script will stop publishing business. Manuscript obtained from the author or authors publishing in two
ways, namely:
- Active mode, meaning that the publisher tried to contact the author to write a script that it needs. Manuscript actively sought by publishers usually script based on the results of market research is needed by consumers, so that prospective for publication. How active is done to compete with other publishers in order to get the author / writer whose work sells productive in the market.
- Passive mode, meaning that the author / writer who might send the manuscript of her work to publishers. Furthermore, publishers do the selection of manuscripts received are eligible for publication. In this case the results of market research used as a reference for publishers to determine the feasibility of a manuscript for publication.
3. Assessing the incoming text in the publishers table in order to estimate the cost of publishing and predicted absorption by its market share.
4. Process the script so that it can meet the interests and tastes of readers and also in accordance with will of the author / writer.
5. Associated with the printing press to reproduce texts that have been processed.
6. Promoting product publications to the reader through the mass media, dealers, bookstores, exhibits, and so forth.
7. Manage the procurement and storage of products published in the warehouse, so it is easy melyani orders.
8. Establish good relationships with the network product sales publications (books, magazines, newspapers,
9. Manage contracts with writer / author and pay a service fee to them.